Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pee stick is showing double lines!

The test shows double pink lines. we are pregnant! Nathan wasnt home yet so I took a picture of the test. Our 5 year Anniversary was only 3 days away and I really wanted to surprise him with the news on our Anniversary. Took another test for the next few days just to be sure.

The night before our Anniversary we were getting ready to leave to Saudi to see Nates family over Christmas. So I was waxing my armpits and the wax was sticking to everything. Of course Nate thought it was funny and got the camera out to take a picture of the oh so unattractive process. I knew the picture of the positive pregnancy test was on there and if he reviewed the pics he would find it. But if I tried to get him to not look at it that would be like leaving a chocolate cake on the table and telling a fat kid not to eat it. So I tried to act like it wasn't a big deal, but next thing I heard was, "So you're pregnant?" So there I was with my armpits glued together and looking like a total mess. Not the picture perfect moment I had been planning for the past 3 days. I couldn't hug him or I would end up getting sticky wax all over him so I just smiled and said "yeah!" Lamest announcement ever. Oh well, at least it's funny to look back on!