Tuesday, April 23, 2013

22 Weeks Prego

Now I really look pregnant.  This day I look particularly big for some reason. It seems that one day I can look huge and the next day im smaller. Crazy. So people seem to have skipped asking if I am pregnant and went straight to "oh hey youre pregnant" Which is fine, just means it has become obvious now.  Still feeling good. Bending over to tie my shoes is getting trickier and the worst part is im loosing my bellybutton. Its already going outie.  I still miss being able to ride my horse but riding a greenbroke 3yr old while pregnant is just asking to get bucked off and do damage to the baby.  Not worth the risk.

Bought my first pair of maternity jeans. It was weird going into the maternity store but the pants are a life saver and so comfy! For my birthday I got a few more maternity things which have been awesome. I guess its better to get them a little earlier so I can use them longer.

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