Monday, August 19, 2013

Just playing the waiting game...

We are 2 days away from 39 weeks of being pregnant. I get to see the Midwife again tomorrow and find out if any more dilation/effacement progress is happening.
People talk about having Braxton Hicks contractions and how they are prepping your body for the real deal. Not sure if I have had any. Theres been a couple times where my belly gets tight but usually theres a little foot poking my side at the same time, so it seems more like hes just in there stretching. Anywho, hopefully I have been having sneaky contractions, I guess I will find out tomorrow.

Have been taking a bunch of natural remedies to help induce labor. Who knows if they are helping/speeding things along or not.

Started 1 week ago with the following craziness:
1 - Daily Prenatal - 1 in am
2 - Evening Primrose Oil - 2 in am and pm
3 - Birth Prep (Squaw Vine Herb, Blessed Thistle Herb, Black Cohosh Root, Pennyroyal Herb, False Unicorn Root, Red Raspberry Leaf, and Lobelia Herb) - 4 in am and pm
4 - Caullophyllum Homeopathic - 4 in am and pm
5 - Red raspberry tea - 1 cup in pm
6 - Walking - should be everyday but I manage about every other day

In general still feeling pretty good. My complaints are nothing compared to what some women go through. Hips are always sore and my joints feel like they are super weak and loose. I guess thats my bodies way to prepare for them to split in two. Yea, I think.... Lots of pinched nerves in the hips too.  Bending down to pick things off the ground is really pathetic looking and me getting up off the ground is even more comical.  Still getting acid reflux almost every night and living on the tums. Up to go to the bathroom about 4 times per night. Napping every chance I get. Even a few times accidentally at work. Opps, not caught yet.

I think the baby room is done enough for baby to come home but not the super cute room I imagined. It all takes money, so for now we have the necessities.

Hospital bag is pretty much packed. I have a list of a few names that could work, but still none that super stick out as "the perfect name". I am hoping that once we meet our little guy we will be able to tell.

Had my first little protective mommy moment. There is a new crazy lady that moved into my ward and she seemed nice at first and was asking me general questions about names and gender and due date, etc. Then she blurted out "when you have him, can I hold him?" It didnt seem that odd and I said sure, why not. Then the more she talked during the class the weirder and weirder she seemed. Now once I have him ill have to check to see if shes in the class first and if she is I'll dodge out to another class and just avoid her. I don't want a crazy lady around my baby! Nate got the same odd vibe from her too. Hmmm....

Well I'll keep you posted on if there is any progress made in the nether regions.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't have any Braxton Hicks with Hannah either. I did with Thomas though. I don't let people hold my baby until they are about 6 weeks old unless they are family or a close friend. That might be strange, but you never know what germs people have on them. Good luck with the crazy lady.
